Supporting Indigenous Communities
Waterline works with several Indigenous communities to review potential environmental effects from resource development projects on their traditional lands.

Waterline works closely with a number of Indigenous communities, including the governing bodies that comprise Indigenous councils. Through government-to-government and government-to-industry engagement, the Indigenous councils often review resource development projects (e.g., mining, oil and gas exploration, and forestry) with the goal of protecting their traditional lands and creating prosperity for future generations. As part of the project review, the Indigenous councils focus on the implementation of stewardship principles through regulatory review, implementation of land use policies and laws, co‑management of lands, and conservation and enforcement.
In addition to socio-economic assessment and community level engagement, resource development projects require an expert level review of the known or potential environmental impacts associated with such developments. Waterline’s team of hydrogeologists and environmental scientists are actively engaged on behalf of several Indigenous councils to review and assess resource development projects within their traditional territories. This includes assessing environmental effects through project-specific report reviews, geochemical assessments, water balance studies and regulatory oversight. Environmental effects are assessed through detailed scientific reviews of the projects and their potential impacts on water resources that support traditional land use. Waterline’s efforts provide support so that Indigenous communities can directly engage in meaningful consultation with industry and government.
By working closely with Indigenous communities and their governing councils, Waterline has successfully supported their goal of promoting sustainability and robust environmental monitoring within the resource development industries operating in their traditional territories.