Foothills-Okotoks Sub-Regional Water Project
The Town of Okotoks and Foothills County retained Waterline as part of an engineering consortium to investigate and design infiltration intakes.

The Town of Okotoks and Foothills County retained Waterline as part of an engineering and geoscience consortium; including, Urban Systems Ltd., MPE Engineering Ltd. and Northwest Hydraulics, to investigate and design the Water Project induced infiltration water intake located at the confluence of the Highwood and Bow rivers. The intake design objective is 28.5 ML/day or approximately 330 L/sec. The Town of Okotoks and Foothills County formalized their agreement in September 2020 to pursue the $34.23 million-dollar raw water intake and pipeline project. The induced infiltration intake is designed to capture raw water sourced from both rivers by installing a large capacity collector well within the saturated alluvial sands and gravels which are in direct hydraulic connection with the rivers. The primary objective of the intake design is to meet the Project water demand and support surface water license transfers and an Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act waterworks approval update to include the full raw water supply system, authorized by Alberta Environment and Parks. Waterline is working closely with Layne Ranney® Collector Wells to determine the feasibility and design of the large capacity collector well at the Project site; rarely considered as a source well design option in Alberta.