Well Testing
Rural landowners depend on groundwater resources for their drinking water and agricultural operations.

Consequently, activities that could potentially negatively affect groundwater resources are subject to public scrutiny and debate. Whether perception or reality, the burden of proof tends to lie with the project proponents for hydraulic fracturing, seismic, housing, sand and gravel, pipeline, and coal-bed methane developments. Pre- and post-development testing of the quality and quantity of water supplies:
Demonstrates that project proponents are committed to the community;
Protects proponents and landowners alike by using scientific data to make informed decisions;
Provides an opportunity for Waterline as a third-party to educate landowners about their water supplies, well maintenance, etc.; and
Is typically low cost compared to overall project costs.
Waterline has tested thousands of domestic water wells across Western Canada and has a dedicated team of hydrogeologists that have been effectively communicating, troubleshooting, and organizing domestic well testing programs for project proponents and landowners since 2000. Waterline's in-house, customized web app ecosystem is designed to allow clients and Waterline's hydrogeologists the opportunity to:
Use the latest technology to automate reporting, which improves the quality and cost effectiveness of Waterline's deliverables; and
View, interpret and organize testing data on a map-based interface.