Are you the owner of a non-domestic groundwater well that was in use prior to March 2016?
If so, you are legally required by the BC WSA to apply for an Existing Groundwater Use Licence by the submission deadline.
If you submit an Existing Use Licence application on or before the deadline you will be in compliance with the WSA and your water licence application fee will be waived, which could save you $250 to $10,000 per application.
If you wait to apply until after March 1, 2022 you will be treated as a new applicant, which means you will lose your 'date of precedence' on the use of non-domestic groundwater and you will be required to pay application fees.
Still needing to apply for a groundwater use licence for your wells? Not sure if you even need to apply for a licence? Wondering if you need an Existing Use or New Use Licence?
Waterline offers WSA licensing services. Visit our WSA Licensing Page or contact us for more information.
For more information on how Waterline can help, please contact our water sustainability coordinator Steph Righi at srighi@waterlineresources.com.