Step 1: Is my water for domestic or non-domestic use? Do I need to license my groundwater use?
Domestic use does not need to be licensed. To determine if you meet the criteria of a domestic user please see the list of definitions in the Water Sustainability Act.
Step 2: Am I an existing groundwater user or a new groundwater user?
Existing groundwater users are determined based on the first date of water use. Did you start using water before March 1, 2016 or after? Find more information on the government website about existing and new users.
Step 3: I am a Non-Domestic user so how do I license my (New or Existing) groundwater use?
You will need to assemble information about your groundwater use specific to the property. You may choose to consult with a professional who can help you find the information you require or complete the process on your own. Either way, the resources are available and we can help.
Waterline is a hydrogeology-focused consulting company that is in the business of navigating water-related issues and the groundwater licensing process. We would be happy to assist you with the licensing process and can provide a free consultation to get your application started. For more information on how we can help, please contact our Water Sustainability Coordinator Steph Righi at 250-585-0801 or srighi@waterlineresources.com