Formed in 2000, Waterline is an employee-owned, environmental and groundwater consulting company. The management team members at Waterline have over a century of combined environmental consulting and hydrogeological experience. Waterline employs approximately 90 staff, including over 20 principal and senior staff with experience ranging from 10 to 35 years in the fields of environmental consulting and hydrogeology.

M.Sc., P.Eng.
Principal Environmental Engineer
25+ years of experience both in industry and consulting
Experience focused on contaminated site assessment and liability management, with specific areas of experience covering environmental site assessment, risk management, remediation, regulatory approvals, and regulatory compliance management
Works with all service teams to achieve strategic plan goals
Oversees marketing and external relationships that are critical for success including ensuring quality of service and technical excellence

M.A.Sc., P.Eng.
Vice President Environment
Principal Hydrogeological Engineer
30+ years of environmental and hydrogeology consulting experience
Environmental site assessment, impact assessment, compliance based monitoring programs
Contaminant fate and transport modelling, natural attenuation assessments, landfill siting, landfill operation and design, remedial design and liability assessment and management
Contributions to physical hydrogeology projects include aquifer testing and evaluation, well performance testing, municipal well head protection, well capture delineation and analytical/numeric modelling of groundwater flow

Ph.D., P.Geo. (AB, BC)
Vice President Water Resources
Principal Hydrogeologist
25+ years of experience in hydrogeological and geophysical consulting and research
Experience focused on groundwater management for mining, construction, water supply and contaminated industrial sites
Involved in all aspects of water supply projects including regional aquifer mapping and exploration, drilling and testing exploration wells, successful regulatory applications, design and installation of production wells, and operational maintenance of wells and operational regulatory support
Hydrogeological assessments for both open pit and underground mines supporting water management, dewatering, and water supply
Quantitative hydrogeological analyses, groundwater flow and transport modelling, modelling of unsaturated systems and surface water/groundwater interactions
Collaborates with engineering teams to assess and manage hydrogeological risks to projects
Domestic and international hydrogeological project experience

M.Sc., P.Geo.
Vice President Mining
Principal Hydrogeologist
30+ years of experience
Extensive experience integrating groundwater science with engineering design and environmental impact requirements
Property and corporate mergers and acquisition due diligence review for life of mine water supply
Hydrogeology expert witness and qualified professional hydrogeologist BC
Groundwater discipline fatal flaw analysis related to assessing mine feasibility and business risk
Watershed and basin scale hydrogeology assessments
ML/ARD pathway assessment in unconsolidated and fractured bedrock environments
Aquifer mapping integrating various groundwater exploration tools including conceptual and numerical models, ground geophysics (TEM, ERT, passive and active seismic, etc.) and downhole geophysics (SP, Res, gamma, spinner, temperature, NMR)
Domestic and international mining experience

M.Sc.(Hydro), M.Sc.(Geo), P.Geo.
Chairman, Board of Directors
Principal Hydrogeologist
35+ years experience in groundwater sciences and petroleum exploration
Has explored & developed numerous groundwater supplies supporting oil and gas, commercial, industrial and municipal developments
Engaged in government policy development with respect to provincial groundwater management frameworks
Experience with a wide variety of drilling and well stimulation technologies to enhance water-source well production and construction dewatering activities
Oversees basin-scale studies, site characterizations, contaminant assessments, impact assessments, industrial groundwater supplies, construction and mine dewatering, numerical analysis, project management and technical review
Decades of experience in public consultation and expert witness; including Canadian Energy Regulator hearings on national pipeline infrastructure projects

M.Sc., P.Geo.
Division Manager Water Resources
Senior Hydrogeologist
15+ years of experience
Designs and manages regional and site hydrogeological investigations
Experienced in water resource development and management, including:
Groundwater exploration​
Aquifer management
Environmental compliance

M.Sc., P.Geol.
Division Manager Environment
Senior Hydrogeologist
20+ years of experience
Designs and manages regional and site hydrogeological environmental investigations
Focused on contaminated sites including:
Conceptual site model and risk/remedial action plan development​
Site-specific guideline development
Soil and groundwater assessments and monitoring
In-situ and ex-situ remediation

B.Sc., P.Geo.
Division Manager British Columbia
Senior Hydrogeologist
13+ years of experience in groundwater resources supporting municipal, industrial, and mining projects
Focused on groundwater exploration, sustainable resource development, and well field design, including:
Aquifer mapping and drill target selection
Drilling supervision and high capacity well design, including dewatering wells
Aquifer testing and groundwater licensing
Aquifer management and environmental compliance
Experience in managing hydrogeological site investigations across Canada and internationally

Division Manager Information Services
18+ years of experience
Experienced in managing and implementing geospatial solutions, including:
3D visualization and modelling​
Waterline's proprietary, on-line data management and mapping applications
Automating routine data compilation and reporting tasks
GIS and mapping